67 lines
1.7 KiB
67 lines
1.7 KiB
if (!window.NexT) window.NexT = {};
(function() {
const className = 'next-config';
const staticConfig = {};
let variableConfig = {};
const parse = text => JSON.parse(text || '{}');
const update = name => {
const targetEle = document.querySelector(`.${className}[data-name="${name}"]`);
if (!targetEle) return;
const parsedConfig = parse(targetEle.text);
if (name === 'main') {
Object.assign(staticConfig, parsedConfig);
} else {
variableConfig[name] = parsedConfig;
window.CONFIG = new Proxy({}, {
get(overrideConfig, name) {
let existing;
if (name in staticConfig) {
existing = staticConfig[name];
} else {
if (!(name in variableConfig)) update(name);
existing = variableConfig[name];
// For unset override and mixable existing
if (!(name in overrideConfig) && typeof existing === 'object') {
// Get ready to mix.
overrideConfig[name] = {};
if (name in overrideConfig) {
const override = overrideConfig[name];
// When mixable
if (typeof override === 'object' && typeof existing === 'object') {
// Mix, proxy changes to the override.
return new Proxy({ ...existing, ...override }, {
set(target, prop, value) {
target[prop] = value;
override[prop] = value;
return true;
return override;
// Only when not mixable and override hasn't been set.
return existing;
document.addEventListener('pjax:success', () => {
variableConfig = {};