Add py2exe installer support.

This commit is contained in:
Bastian Kleineidam 2012-05-18 20:49:43 +02:00
parent 36c2be760d
commit 9e28ad5939
1 changed files with 197 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -22,19 +22,209 @@ import sys
if not hasattr(sys, "version_info") or sys.version_info < (2, 4, 0, "final", 0):
raise SystemExit("This program requires Python 2.4 or later.")
import os
import shutil
import glob
import subprocess
from distutils.core import setup
# py2exe monkey-patches the distutils.core.Distribution class
# So we need to import it before importing the Distribution class
import py2exe
has_py2exe = True
except ImportError:
# py2exe is not installed
has_py2exe = False
from distutils.core import Distribution
from distutils import util
AppName = "patool"
AppVersion = "0.17"
MyName = "Bastian Kleineidam"
MyEmail = ""
# basic excludes for py2exe and py2app
# py2exe options for windows .exe packaging
py2exe_options = dict(
excludes=['doctest', 'unittest', 'optcomplete', 'Tkinter'],
# silence py2exe error about not finding msvcp90.dll
# Microsoft Visual C++ runtime version (tested with Python 2.7.2)
MSVCP90Version = '9.0.21022.8'
MSVCP90Token = '1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b'
data_files = []
if == 'nt':
data_files.append(('share', ['doc/patool.txt']))
data_files.append(('share/man/man1', ['doc/patool.1']))
def get_nt_platform_vars ():
"""Return program file path and architecture for NT systems."""
platform = util.get_platform()
if platform == "win-amd64":
# the Visual C++ runtime files are installed in the x86 directory
progvar = "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"
architecture = "amd64"
elif platform == "win32":
progvar = "%ProgramFiles%"
architecture = "x86"
raise ValueError("Unsupported platform %r" % platform)
return os.path.expandvars(progvar), architecture
def add_msvc_files (files):
"""Add needed MSVC++ runtime files. Only Version 9.0.21022.8 is tested
and can be downloaded here:
prog_dir, architecture = get_nt_platform_vars()
dirname = "Microsoft.VC90.CRT"
version = "%s_%s_x-ww_d08d0375" % (MSVCP90Token, MSVCP90Version)
args = (architecture, dirname, version)
path = r'C:\Windows\WinSxS\%s_%s_%s\*.*' % args
files.append((dirname, glob.glob(path)))
# Copy the manifest file into the build directory and rename it
# because it must have the same name as the directory.
path = r'C:\Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\%s_%s_%s.manifest' % args
target = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', '%s.manifest' % dirname)
shutil.copy(path, target)
files.append((dirname, [target]))
if 'py2exe' in sys.argv[1:]:
if not has_py2exe:
raise SystemExit("py2exe module could not be imported")
class MyDistribution (Distribution, object):
"""Custom distribution class generating config file."""
def __init__ (self, attrs):
"""Set console and windows scripts."""
super(MyDistribution, self).__init__(attrs)
self.console = ['patool']
class InnoScript:
"""Class to generate INNO script."""
def __init__(self, lib_dir, dist_dir, windows_exe_files=[],
console_exe_files=[], service_exe_files=[],
comserver_files=[], lib_files=[]):
"""Store INNO script infos."""
self.lib_dir = lib_dir
self.dist_dir = dist_dir
if not self.dist_dir[-1] in "\\/":
self.dist_dir += "\\" = AppName
self.version = AppVersion
self.windows_exe_files = [self.chop(p) for p in windows_exe_files]
self.console_exe_files = [self.chop(p) for p in console_exe_files]
self.service_exe_files = [self.chop(p) for p in service_exe_files]
self.comserver_files = [self.chop(p) for p in comserver_files]
self.lib_files = [self.chop(p) for p in lib_files]
self.icon = os.path.abspath(r'doc\icon\favicon.ico')
def chop(self, pathname):
"""Remove distribution directory from path name."""
assert pathname.startswith(self.dist_dir)
return pathname[len(self.dist_dir):]
def create(self, pathname=r"dist\omt.iss"):
"""Create Inno script."""
self.pathname = pathname
self.distfilebase = "%s-%s" % (, self.version)
self.distfile = self.distfilebase + ".exe"
with open(self.pathname, "w") as fd:
def write_inno_script (self, fd):
"""Write Inno script contents."""
print >> fd, "; WARNING: This script has been created by py2exe. Changes to this script"
print >> fd, "; will be overwritten the next time py2exe is run!"
print >> fd, "[Setup]"
print >> fd, "AppName=%s" %
print >> fd, "AppVerName=%s %s" % (, self.version)
print >> fd, r"DefaultDirName={pf}\%s" %
print >> fd, "DefaultGroupName=%s" %
print >> fd, "OutputBaseFilename=%s" % self.distfilebase
print >> fd, "OutputDir=.."
print >> fd, "SetupIconFile=%s" % self.icon
print >> fd
# List of source files
files = self.windows_exe_files + \
self.console_exe_files + \
self.service_exe_files + \
self.comserver_files + \
print >> fd, '[Files]'
for path in files:
print >> fd, r'Source: "%s"; DestDir: "{app}\%s"; Flags: ignoreversion' % (path, os.path.dirname(path))
# Set icon filename
print >> fd, '[Icons]'
for path in self.windows_exe_files:
print >> fd, r'Name: "{group}\%s"; Filename: "{app}\%s"' % \
(, path)
print >> fd, r'Name: "{group}\Uninstall %s"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"' %
print >> fd
# Uninstall optional log files
print >> fd, '[UninstallDelete]'
print >> fd, r'Type: files; Name: "{pf}\%s\patool*.exe.log"' %
print >> fd
def compile (self):
"""Compile Inno script with iscc.exe."""
progpath = get_nt_platform_vars()[0]
cmd = r'%s\Inno Setup 5\iscc.exe' % progpath
subprocess.check_call([cmd, self.pathname])
def sign (self):
"""Sign InnoSetup installer with local self-signed certificate."""
pfxfile = r'C:\certificate.pfx'
if os.path.isfile(pfxfile):
cmd = ['signtool.exe', 'sign', '/f', pfxfile, self.distfile]
print "No signed installer: certificate %s not found." % pfxfile
from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe as py2exe_build
class MyPy2exe (py2exe_build):
"""First builds the exe file(s), then creates a Windows installer.
Needs InnoSetup to be installed."""
def run (self):
"""Generate py2exe installer."""
# First, let py2exe do it's work.
print "*** preparing the inno setup script ***"
lib_dir = self.lib_dir
dist_dir = self.dist_dir
# create the Installer, using the files py2exe has created.
script = InnoScript(lib_dir, dist_dir, self.windows_exe_files,
self.console_exe_files, self.service_exe_files,
self.comserver_files, self.lib_files)
print "*** creating the inno setup script ***"
print "*** compiling the inno setup script ***"
except ImportError:
class MyPy2exe:
"""Dummy py2exe class."""
setup (
name = AppName,
version = AppVersion,
@ -78,4 +268,11 @@ installed.
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
distclass = MyDistribution,
cmdclass = {
'py2exe': MyPy2exe,
options = {
"py2exe": py2exe_options,