# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Bastian Kleineidam # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import print_function import sys if not hasattr(sys, "version_info") or sys.version_info < (2, 7, 0, "final", 0): raise SystemExit("This program requires Python 2.7 or later.") import os import shutil import stat import importlib # PEP 396 from .configuration import Version as __version__ __all__ = ['list_formats', 'list_archive', 'extract_archive', 'test_archive', 'create_archive', 'diff_archives', 'search_archive', 'repack_archive'] # Supported archive commands ArchiveCommands = ('list', 'extract', 'test', 'create') # Supported archive formats ArchiveFormats = ( '7z', 'ace', 'adf', 'alzip', 'ape', 'ar', 'arc', 'arj', 'bzip2', 'cab', 'chm', 'compress', 'cpio', 'deb', 'dms', 'flac', 'gzip', 'iso', 'lrzip', 'lzh', 'lzip', 'lzma', 'lzop', 'rar', 'rpm', 'rzip', 'shar', 'shn', 'tar', 'xz', 'zip', 'zoo') # Supported compressions (used with tar for example) # Note that all compressions must also be archive formats ArchiveCompressions = ('bzip2', 'compress', 'gzip', 'lzip', 'lzma', 'xz') # Map MIME types to archive format ArchiveMimetypes = { 'application/gzip': 'gzip', 'application/java-archive': 'zip', 'application/rar': 'rar', 'application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed': 'cab', 'application/x-7z-compressed': '7z', 'application/x-ace': 'ace', 'application/x-adf': 'adf', 'application/x-alzip': 'alzip', 'application/x-archive': 'ar', 'application/x-arc': 'arc', 'application/x-arj': 'arj', 'application/x-bzip2': 'bzip2', 'application/x-cab': 'cab', 'application/x-chm': 'chm', 'application/x-compress': 'compress', 'application/x-cpio': 'cpio', 'application/x-debian-package': 'deb', 'application/x-dms': 'dms', 'application/x-gzip': 'gzip', 'application/x-iso9660-image': 'iso', 'application/x-lzop': 'lzop', 'application/x-lzma': 'lzma', 'application/x-lzip': 'lzip', 'application/x-lha': 'lzh', 'application/x-lrzip': 'lrzip', 'application/x-lzh': 'lzh', 'application/x-rar': 'rar', 'application/x-redhat-package-manager': 'rpm', 'application/x-rpm': 'rpm', 'application/x-rzip': 'rzip', 'application/x-shar': 'shar', 'application/x-tar': 'tar', 'application/x-xz': 'xz', 'application/x-zip-compressed': 'zip', 'application/x-zoo': 'zoo', 'application/zip': 'zip', 'audio/x-ape': 'ape', 'audio/x-shn': 'shn', 'audio/flac': 'flac', } try: # use Python 3 lzma module if available import lzma py_lzma = ('py_lzma',) except ImportError: py_lzma = () # List of programs supporting the given archive format and command. # If command is None, the program supports all commands (list, extract, ...) # Programs starting with "py_" are Python modules. ArchivePrograms = { 'ace': { 'extract': ('unace',), 'test': ('unace',), 'list': ('unace',), }, 'adf': { 'extract': ('unadf',), 'test': ('unadf',), 'list': ('unadf',), }, 'alzip': { 'extract': ('unalz',), 'test': ('unalz',), 'list': ('unalz',), }, 'ape': { 'create': ('mac',), 'extract': ('mac',), 'list': ('py_echo',), 'test': ('mac',), }, 'ar': { None: ('ar',), }, 'arc': { None: ('arc',), 'extract': ('nomarch',), 'test': ('nomarch',), 'list': ('nomarch',), }, 'bzip2': { 'extract': ('pbzip2', 'lbzip2', 'bzip2', '7z', '7za', 'py_bz2'), 'test': ('pbzip2', 'lbzip2', 'bzip2', '7z', '7za'), 'create': ('pbzip2', 'lbzip2', 'bzip2', 'py_bz2'), 'list': ('py_echo', '7z', '7za'), }, 'cab': { 'extract': ('cabextract', '7z'), 'create': ('lcab',), 'list': ('cabextract', '7z'), 'test': ('cabextract', '7z'), }, 'chm': { 'extract': ('archmage', 'extract_chmLib'), 'test': ('archmage',), }, 'flac': { 'extract': ('flac',), 'test': ('flac',), 'create': ('flac',), 'list': ('py_echo',), }, 'tar': { None: ('tar', 'star', 'bsdtar', 'py_tarfile'), }, 'zip': { None: ('7z', '7za', 'py_zipfile'), 'extract': ('unzip',), 'list': ('unzip',), 'test': ('zip', 'unzip',), 'create': ('zip',), }, 'gzip': { None: ('7z', '7za', 'pigz', 'gzip'), 'extract': ('py_gzip',), 'create': ('zopfli', 'py_gzip'), }, 'iso': { 'extract': ('7z',), 'list': ('7z', 'isoinfo'), 'test': ('7z',), 'create': ('genisoimage',), }, 'lzh': { None: ('lha',), 'extract': ('lhasa',), }, 'lzip': { 'extract': ('plzip', 'lzip', 'clzip', 'pdlzip'), 'list': ('py_echo',), 'test': ('plzip', 'lzip', 'clzip', 'pdlzip'), 'create': ('plzip', 'lzip', 'clzip', 'pdlzip'), }, 'lrzip': { 'extract': ('lrzip',), 'list': ('py_echo',), 'test': ('lrzip',), 'create': ('lrzip',), }, 'compress': { 'extract': ('gzip', '7z', '7za', 'uncompress.real'), 'list': ('7z', '7za', 'py_echo',), 'test': ('gzip', '7z', '7za'), 'create': ('compress',), }, '7z': { None: ('7z', '7za'), }, 'rar': { None: ('rar',), 'extract': ('unrar', '7z'), 'list': ('unrar', '7z'), 'test': ('unrar', '7z'), }, 'arj': { None: ('arj',), 'extract': ('7z',), 'list': ('7z',), 'test': ('7z',), }, 'cpio': { 'extract': ('cpio', 'bsdcpio', '7z'), 'list': ('cpio', 'bsdcpio', '7z'), 'test': ('cpio', 'bsdcpio', '7z',), 'create': ('cpio', 'bsdcpio'), }, 'rpm': { 'extract': ('rpm2cpio', '7z'), 'list': ('rpm', '7z', '7za'), 'test': ('rpm', '7z'), }, 'deb': { 'extract': ('dpkg-deb', '7z'), 'list': ('dpkg-deb', '7z'), 'test': ('dpkg-deb', '7z'), }, 'lzop': { None: ('lzop',), }, 'lzma': { 'extract': ('7z', 'lzma', 'xz') + py_lzma, 'list': ('7z', 'py_echo'), 'test': ('7z', 'lzma', 'xz'), 'create': ('lzma', 'xz') + py_lzma, }, 'rzip': { 'extract': ('rzip',), 'list': ('py_echo',), 'create': ('rzip',), }, 'shar': { 'create': ('shar',), 'extract': ('unshar',), }, 'shn': { 'extract': ('shorten',), 'list': ('py_echo',), 'create': ('shorten',), }, 'xz': { None: ('xz', '7z'), 'extract': py_lzma, 'create': py_lzma, }, 'zoo': { None: ('zoo',), }, 'dms': { 'extract': ('xdms',), 'list': ('xdms',), 'test': ('xdms',), }, } # List those programs that have different python module names because of # Python module naming restrictions. ProgramModules = { '7z': 'p7zip', '7za': 'p7azip', 'uncompress.real': 'uncompress', 'dpkg-deb': 'dpkg', 'extract_chmlib': 'chmlib', } from . import util def get_archive_format (filename): """Detect filename archive format and optional compression.""" mime, compression = util.guess_mime(filename) if not (mime or compression): raise util.PatoolError("unknown archive format for file `%s'" % filename) if mime in ArchiveMimetypes: format = ArchiveMimetypes[mime] else: raise util.PatoolError("unknown archive format for file `%s' (mime-type is `%s')" % (filename, mime)) if format == compression: # file cannot be in same format compressed compression = None return format, compression def check_archive_format (format, compression): """Make sure format and compression is known.""" if format not in ArchiveFormats: raise util.PatoolError("unknown archive format `%s'" % format) if compression is not None and compression not in ArchiveCompressions: raise util.PatoolError("unkonwn archive compression `%s'" % compression) def find_archive_program (format, command, program=None): """Find suitable archive program for given format and mode.""" commands = ArchivePrograms[format] programs = [] if program is not None: # try a specific program first programs.append(program) # first try the universal programs with key None for key in (None, command): if key in commands: programs.extend(commands[key]) if not programs: raise util.PatoolError("%s archive format `%s' is not supported" % (command, format)) # return the first existing program for program in programs: if program.startswith('py_'): # it's a Python module and therefore always supported return program exe = util.find_program(program) if exe: if program == '7z' and format == 'rar' and not util.p7zip_supports_rar(): continue return exe # no programs found raise util.PatoolError("could not find an executable program to %s format %s; candidates are (%s)," % (command, format, ",".join(programs))) def program_supports_compression (program, compression): """Decide if the given program supports the compression natively. @return: True iff the program supports the given compression format natively, else False. """ if program in ('tar', 'star', 'bsdtar', 'py_tarfile'): return compression in ('gzip', 'bzip2') + py_lzma return False def list_formats (): """Print information about available archive formats to stdout.""" for format in ArchiveFormats: print(format, "files:") for command in ArchiveCommands: programs = ArchivePrograms[format] if command not in programs and None not in programs: print(" %8s: - (not supported)" % command) continue try: program = find_archive_program(format, command) print(" %8s: %s" % (command, program), end=' ') if format == 'tar': encs = [x for x in ArchiveCompressions if util.find_program(x)] if encs: print("(supported compressions: %s)" % ", ".join(encs), end=' ') elif format == '7z': if util.p7zip_supports_rar(): print("(rar archives supported)", end=' ') else: print("(rar archives not supported)", end=' ') print() except util.PatoolError: handlers = programs.get(None, programs.get(command)) print(" %8s: - (no program found; install %s)" % (command, util.strlist_with_or(handlers))) def check_program_compression(archive, command, program, compression): """Check if a program supports the given compression.""" program = os.path.basename(program) if compression: # check if compression is supported if not program_supports_compression(program, compression): if command == 'create': comp_command = command else: comp_command = 'extract' comp_prog = find_archive_program(compression, comp_command) if not comp_prog: msg = "cannot %s archive `%s': compression `%s' not supported" raise util.PatoolError(msg % (command, archive, compression)) def move_outdir_orphan (outdir): """Move a single file or directory inside outdir a level up. Never overwrite files. Return (True, outfile) if successful, (False, reason) if not.""" entries = os.listdir(outdir) if len(entries) == 1: src = os.path.join(outdir, entries[0]) dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outdir), entries[0]) if os.path.exists(dst) or os.path.islink(dst): return (False, "local file exists") shutil.move(src, dst) os.rmdir(outdir) return (True, entries[0]) return (False, "multiple files in root") def run_archive_cmdlist (archive_cmdlist, verbosity=0): """Run archive command.""" # archive_cmdlist is a command list with optional keyword arguments if isinstance(archive_cmdlist, tuple): cmdlist, runkwargs = archive_cmdlist else: cmdlist, runkwargs = archive_cmdlist, {} return util.run_checked(cmdlist, verbosity=verbosity, **runkwargs) def make_file_readable (filename): """Make file user readable if it is not a link.""" if not os.path.islink(filename): util.set_mode(filename, stat.S_IRUSR) def make_dir_readable (filename): """Make directory user readable and executable.""" util.set_mode(filename, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR) def make_user_readable (directory): """Make all files in given directory user readable. Also recurse into subdirectories.""" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, onerror=util.log_error): for filename in files: make_file_readable(os.path.join(root, filename)) for dirname in dirs: make_dir_readable(os.path.join(root, dirname)) def cleanup_outdir (outdir, archive): """Cleanup outdir after extraction and return target file name and result string.""" make_user_readable(outdir) # move single directory or file in outdir (success, msg) = move_outdir_orphan(outdir) if success: # msg is a single directory or filename return msg, "`%s'" % msg # outdir remains unchanged # rename it to something more user-friendly (basically the archive # name without extension) outdir2 = util.get_single_outfile("", archive) os.rename(outdir, outdir2) return outdir2, "`%s' (%s)" % (outdir2, msg) def _extract_archive(archive, verbosity=0, outdir=None, program=None, format=None, compression=None): """Extract an archive. @return: output directory if command is 'extract', else None """ if format is None: format, compression = get_archive_format(archive) check_archive_format(format, compression) program = find_archive_program(format, 'extract', program=program) check_program_compression(archive, 'extract', program, compression) get_archive_cmdlist = get_archive_cmdlist_func(program, 'extract', format) if outdir is None: outdir = util.tmpdir(dir=".") do_cleanup_outdir = True else: do_cleanup_outdir = False try: cmdlist = get_archive_cmdlist(archive, compression, program, verbosity, outdir) if cmdlist: # an empty command list means the get_archive_cmdlist() function # already handled the command (eg. when it's a builtin Python # function) run_archive_cmdlist(cmdlist, verbosity=verbosity) if do_cleanup_outdir: target, msg = cleanup_outdir(outdir, archive) else: target, msg = outdir, "`%s'" % outdir if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("... %s extracted to %s." % (archive, msg)) return target finally: # try to remove an empty temporary output directory if do_cleanup_outdir: try: os.rmdir(outdir) except OSError: pass def _create_archive(archive, filenames, verbosity=0, program=None, format=None, compression=None): """Create an archive.""" if format is None: format, compression = get_archive_format(archive) check_archive_format(format, compression) program = find_archive_program(format, 'create', program=program) check_program_compression(archive, 'create', program, compression) get_archive_cmdlist = get_archive_cmdlist_func(program, 'create', format) origarchive = None if os.path.basename(program) == 'arc' and \ ".arc" in archive and not archive.endswith(".arc"): # the arc program mangles the archive name if it contains ".arc" origarchive = archive archive = util.tmpfile(dir=os.path.dirname(archive), suffix=".arc") cmdlist = get_archive_cmdlist(archive, compression, program, verbosity, filenames) if cmdlist: # an empty command list means the get_archive_cmdlist() function # already handled the command (eg. when it's a builtin Python # function) run_archive_cmdlist(cmdlist, verbosity=verbosity) if origarchive: shutil.move(archive, origarchive) def _handle_archive (archive, command, verbosity=0, program=None, format=None, compression=None): """Test and list archives.""" if format is None: format, compression = get_archive_format(archive) check_archive_format(format, compression) if command not in ('list', 'test'): raise util.PatoolError("invalid archive command `%s'" % command) program = find_archive_program(format, command, program=program) check_program_compression(archive, command, program, compression) get_archive_cmdlist = get_archive_cmdlist_func(program, command, format) # prepare keyword arguments for command list cmdlist = get_archive_cmdlist(archive, compression, program, verbosity) if cmdlist: # an empty command list means the get_archive_cmdlist() function # already handled the command (eg. when it's a builtin Python # function) run_archive_cmdlist(cmdlist, verbosity=verbosity) def get_archive_cmdlist_func (program, command, format): """Get the Python function that executes the given program.""" # get python module for given archive program key = util.stripext(os.path.basename(program).lower()) modulename = ".programs." + ProgramModules.get(key, key) # import the module try: module = importlib.import_module(modulename, __name__) except ImportError as msg: raise util.PatoolError(msg) # get archive handler function (eg. patoolib.programs.star.extract_tar) try: return getattr(module, '%s_%s' % (command, format)) except AttributeError as msg: raise util.PatoolError(msg) def rmtree_log_error (func, path, exc): """Error function for shutil.rmtree(). Raises a PatoolError.""" msg = "Error in %s(%s): %s" % (func.__name__, path, str(exc[1])) util.log_error(msg) def _diff_archives (archive1, archive2, verbosity=0): """Show differences between two archives. @return 0 if archives are the same, else 1 @raises: PatoolError on errors """ if util.is_same_file(archive1, archive2): return 0 diff = util.find_program("diff") if not diff: msg = "The diff(1) program is required for showing archive differences, please install it." raise util.PatoolError(msg) tmpdir1 = util.tmpdir() try: path1 = _extract_archive(archive1, outdir=tmpdir1, verbosity=-1) tmpdir2 = util.tmpdir() try: path2 = _extract_archive(archive2, outdir=tmpdir2, verbosity=-1) return util.run_checked([diff, "-urN", path1, path2], verbosity=1, ret_ok=(0, 1)) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir2, onerror=rmtree_log_error) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir1, onerror=rmtree_log_error) def _search_archive(pattern, archive, verbosity=0): """Search for given pattern in an archive.""" grep = util.find_program("grep") if not grep: msg = "The grep(1) program is required for searching archive contents, please install it." raise util.PatoolError(msg) tmpdir = util.tmpdir() try: path = _extract_archive(archive, outdir=tmpdir, verbosity=-1) return util.run_checked([grep, "-r", "-e", pattern, "."], ret_ok=(0, 1), verbosity=1, cwd=path) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, onerror=rmtree_log_error) def _repack_archive (archive1, archive2, verbosity=0): """Repackage an archive to a different format.""" format1, compression1 = get_archive_format(archive1) format2, compression2 = get_archive_format(archive2) if format1 == format2 and compression1 == compression2: # same format and compression allows to copy the file util.link_or_copy(archive1, archive2, verbosity=verbosity) return tmpdir = util.tmpdir() try: kwargs = dict(verbosity=verbosity, outdir=tmpdir) same_format = (format1 == format2 and compression1 and compression2) if same_format: # only decompress since the format is the same kwargs['format'] = compression1 path = _extract_archive(archive1, **kwargs) archive = os.path.abspath(archive2) files = tuple(os.listdir(path)) olddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) try: kwargs = dict(verbosity=verbosity) if same_format: # only compress since the format is the same kwargs['format'] = compression2 _create_archive(archive, files, **kwargs) finally: os.chdir(olddir) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, onerror=rmtree_log_error) # the patool library API def extract_archive(archive, verbosity=0, outdir=None, program=None): """Extract given archive.""" util.check_existing_filename(archive) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("Extracting %s ..." % archive) return _extract_archive(archive, verbosity=verbosity, outdir=outdir, program=program) def list_archive(archive, verbosity=1, program=None): """List given archive.""" # Set default verbosity to 1 since the listing output should be visible. util.check_existing_filename(archive) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("Listing %s ..." % archive) return _handle_archive(archive, 'list', verbosity=verbosity, program=program) def test_archive(archive, verbosity=0, program=None): """Test given archive.""" util.check_existing_filename(archive) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("Testing %s ..." % archive) res = _handle_archive(archive, 'test', verbosity=verbosity, program=program) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("... tested ok.") return res def create_archive(archive, filenames, verbosity=0, program=None): """Create given archive with given files.""" util.check_new_filename(archive) util.check_archive_filelist(filenames) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("Creating %s ..." % archive) res = _create_archive(archive, filenames, verbosity=verbosity, program=program) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("... %s created." % archive) return res def diff_archives(archive1, archive2, verbosity=0): """Print differences between two archives.""" util.check_existing_filename(archive1) util.check_existing_filename(archive2) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("Comparing %s with %s ..." % (archive1, archive2)) res = _diff_archives(archive1, archive2, verbosity=verbosity) if res == 0 and verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("... no differences found.") def search_archive(pattern, archive, verbosity=0): """Search pattern in archive members.""" if not pattern: raise util.PatoolError("empty search pattern") util.check_existing_filename(archive) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("Searching %r in %s ..." % (pattern, archive)) res = _search_archive(pattern, archive, verbosity=verbosity) if res == 1 and verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("... %r not found" % pattern) return res def repack_archive (archive, archive_new, verbosity=0): """Repack archive to different file and/or format.""" util.check_existing_filename(archive) util.check_new_filename(archive_new) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("Repacking %s to %s ..." % (archive, archive_new)) res = _repack_archive(archive, archive_new, verbosity=verbosity) if verbosity >= 0: util.log_info("... repacking successful.") return res