{APPNAME} Downloads ====================== {APPNAME} {VERSION} is available for download for Windows and Linux systems and in source format. Files ------ * `{APPNAME}-{VERSION}.exe`: The Windows installer. If you run Windows, use this. The installer is signed with a local certificate signature. * `{APPNAME}-{VERSION}-1.x86_64.rpm`: The Linux RPM package compiled for the x86/64bit architecture. If you have an RPM based Linux distribution and a 64bit x86 processor, use this. * `{APPNAME}-{VERSION}.tar.gz`: The source code. See `doc/install.txt` for compilation and installation instructions. The `.asc` files are GPG signatures that you can use to verify that the download is indeed made by the owner of the GPG key below (ie. me). For example download the `.tar.gz.asc` file in the same directory as the `.tar.gz` file and run `gpg --verify {APPNAME}-{VERSION}.tar.gz` The GPG key used to sign these packages is 32EC6F3E. It can be downloaded with `gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 32EC6F3E`. The `.sha1` files contain checksums that you can use to verify the file integrity. Download the `.sha1` file in the same directory as the `.tar.gz` file and run `sha1sum -c {APPNAME}-{VERSION}.tar.gz.sha1` Changelog for this release ---------------------------