PATOOL(1) PATOOL(1) NAME patool - simple manager for file archives of various types SYNOPSIS patool (extract|list|test) [options] ... patool create [options] [files...] patool diff patool repack patool formats [options] DESCRIPTION Various archive types can be created, extracted, tested and listed by patool. The advantage of patool is its simplicity in handling archive files without having to remember a myriad of programs and options. The archive format is determined by the file(1) program and as a fall‐ back by the archive file extension. patool supports 7z (.7z), ACE (.ace), ALZIP (.alz), AR (.a), ARC (.arc), ARJ (.arj), BZIP2 (.bz2), CAB (.cab), compress (.Z), CPIO (.cpio), DEB (.deb), GZIP (.gz), LRZIP (.lrz), LZH (.lha, .lzh), LZIP (.lz), LZMA (.lzma), LZOP (.lzo), RPM (.rpm), RAR (.rar), TAR (.tar), XZ (.xz) and ZIP (.zip, .jar) formats. It relies on helper applica‐ tions to handle those archive formats (for example bzip2 for BZIP2 ar‐ chives). EXAMPLES patool extract otherarchive.rar patool test --verbose dist.tar.gz patool list package.deb patool create --verbose file1.txt dir/ patool diff release1.0.tar.gz patool repack linux-2.6.33.tar.gz linux-2.6.33.tar.bz2 COMMANDS Several commands and options are available. extract Extract files from an archive. This is the default command if no com‐ mand was given. Often one wants to extract all files in an archive to a single subdi‐ rectory. However, some archives contain multiple files in their root directories. The patool program overcomes this problem by first extracting files to a unique (temporary) directory, and then moving its contents back if possible. This also prevents local files from being overwritten by mistake. All extracted files are checked that they are readable by the current user. -v, --verbose Be verbose when extracting (if the helper application supports it). --help Show help for this command. list List files in an archive. -v, --verbose Verbose archive listing (if the helper application supports it). --help Show help for this command. create Create an archive from given files. At least on of the given files to add to the archive has to exist. -v, --verbose Verbose operation (if the helper application supports it). --help Show help for this command. test Test files in an archive. -v, --verbose Verbose archive testing (if the helper application supports it). --help Show help for this command. diff Show differences between two archives. --help Show help for this command. repack Repackage archive to a different format. --help Show help for this command. formats Show all supported archive formats. --help Show help for this command. AUTHOR Bastian Kleineidam COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2010 Bastian Kleineidam patool February 2010 PATOOL(1)